The best revenge on an unhealthy society is to cultivate healthy values in children.
The only justified turning away is in front of human garbage.
If a couple of drug addicts speak against you, you're a decent person; if just one decent person speaks against you, you're an addict.
You can do a hundred good deeds, but only one bad one will get you criticized. Thus, mediocrity justifies its inaction by the failure of the hundred who will never achieve what you have.
Every morning when you wake up, ask yourself what you've done to make your country like Switzerland. If you have no answer, go back and don't bother others while they work.
A person without a few idiotic enemies is someone who hasn't done anything good in life.
A selfish person raises children for themselves alone, while an altruist raises them for the whole world.
As long as the poor strive for wealth and the rich for more of the same, thair country will never be rich.
A child can only be as much as their parent, guardian, or coach believes they can be.
A child is like a white sponge that absorbs everything it's immersed in. The more it stays in a clean environment, the purer it remains in life.
Give the child the role of directing their own punishment. It must be progressive but with the possibility of being revoked if not repeated.
Children will always test how far they can go with us. If we start testing them, they'll stop testing us.
Working with children must be a vocation, not a school indoctrination.
Children love rules because rules are the armor of their insecurity.
A promise made to a child is the greatest sanctity, even greater than that of the imaginary figure of Jesus.
A child is a monument of love; if built by both, then it's a monument of greatness.
The killing of just one child makes all of humanity a murderer.
Violence against children must be punished by death because it kills cosmic growth.
Family is the foundation of our temple of life; the stronger it is, the easier it is to build a grand temple.
Family is the pedestal of your monument. Its material doesn't have to be of biological origin.
Nature knows no boundaries; we are one natural people. Until we realize that, there will be unnatural states of war.
Human stupidity is extremely smart at justifying its existence.
Sometimes strangers "know" me so well that I feel like asking them the date of my death.
If we weren't occasionally surrounded by human crap, we wouldn't be aware of our own smell.
Peace isn't born after a struggle; it's born in the struggle against the struggle.
A criminal isn't just the one committing the crime, but also the one justifying it.
Courage isn't stepping into darkness but into the darkness where blinded ones wander to bring light.
A fool just babbles, a wise person speaks wisely, a sage responds wisely, and a free one observes with a smile their ego.
Truth can be the stepmother of beliefs, the father of knowledge, or the child of freedom.
Freedom is when you are the director of your own life, your own film. Greater freedom lies in choosing the genre.
The greatness of a person isn't measured by their wealth but by the depth of their understanding of life.
The first step is always the hardest; after that, you learn to run just so you don't fall.
Believing in something is akin to ignorance. You don't believe in the air; you know you breathe it.
True truth always has an attached shadow of freedom, like Peter Pan.
Illness is sometimes the name of the school that the soul attends to learn life's lessons.
Everything living in our world dies. That's why this moment of our life is an incredible gift, and every day of it is a birthday.
If you want to learn to swim, better learn to dive, and you'll swim that way.
A person is like a sculpture; the more they're chiseled and polished by life, the more beautiful they become.
Staying true to yourself in a world of others is akin to surviving among the strongest.
A click is a combination of hormones, place, and time. Love is something else.
Why did the greeting "be healthy" disappear? It couldn't survive in an unhealthy environment.
Today is the day, the day of the first breath and a new sigh. Breathe every day, like today.
Love is the sweet poison of the soul, and its antidote is even greater love.
Love is like fire; the more you put into it, the stronger it burns. If it's a strong fire, even if it's struck by a storm, it will continue to burn.
The summit is only the sunlit reflection of the immense abyss beneath it.
To deserve the title of human, in every moment of existence, we must give our utmost humanity.
Falling in love is sometimes just the incubation of a disease called suffering, and sometimes its only vaccine.
Evil is defeated by divine love or double evil, unfortunately, we are not gods.
Your truth shouldn't be a summary of what others say; it must be the dissertation of your heart.
A weakling always finds a thousand excuses not to do something; a hero finds only one to do it.
Only those crazy enough to kiss death can embrace life.
In the end, only whispers will remain of this adventure we call life, so make it loud.
Sadness can only be carved with the sharpness of emotions.
If you accept yourself, you'll accept your fate. By accepting your fate, you accept life. By accepting life, you'll accept death and live eternally.
Ego is power; not having control over it is powerful madness.
Of all species, only humans praise their own genius with stupidity.
The sooner you die, the longer you'll be dead; the sooner you start living, the longer you'll live.
Life is just a short dance of procreation in the eternal rhythm of the cosmos' music.
Najbolja osveta nezdravom društvu jest odgoj zdravih vrijednosti kod djece.
Jedino opravdano okretanje glave u stranu je ono pred ljudskim smećem.
Ako par narkomana govori protiv tebe, kvalitetan si čovjek, ako samo jedan kvalitetan govori protiv tebe, ti si narkoman.
Možeš napraviti stotinu dobrih djela i samo jedno loše da te popljuju. Tako ništavilo opravdava svoj nerad onih stotinu kojih nikad napraviti poput tebe neće.
Svako jutro kad ustaneš upitaj se, što si napravio da tvoja zemlja postane Švicarska. Ako nemaš odgovora, vrati se i ne smetaj drugima dok rade.
Čovjek bez par neprijatelja idiota, onaj je koji za života ničeg dobroga nije napravio.
Egoista uzrasta djecu samo sebi, altruista cijelom svijetu.
Dok siromah teži bogatstvu, a bogat otimanju istog, njihova zemlja nikad bogata biti neće.
Dijete može taman onoliko koliko roditelj, staratelj ili trener misle da ono može
Djete je poput bijele spužve koja upija sve u što se uroni. Što više boravi u čistom životnom okruženju, to ono za života ostaje čistim.
Dajte djetetu da bude režiser vlastite kazne. Ona mora biti progresivna ali s mogućnošću poništavanja ako se ne ponovlja.
Djeca će nas uvijek testirati do kud s nama mogu. Ako mi krenemo testirati njih, oni prestaju testiraju nas.
Rad s djecom mora biti vokacija, to nesmije biti školska indoktrinacija.
Djeca obožavaju pravila, jer pravila su oklop njihove nesigurnosti.
Dato obećanje djetetu je najveća svetinja, veća i od one imaginarnog lika Isusa.
Dijete je spomenik ljubavi, ako sagrađen od oboje onda je spomenik velikana.
Samo jedno ubistvo djeteta, cijelo naše čovječanstvo čini ubojicom.
Nasilje nad djecom mora biti kažnjeno smrću, jer ono ubija kozmički rast.
Obitelj je temelj našeg hrama života, što je on jači to je velebni hram lakše izgraditi.
Obitelj je postolje tvog spomenika. Njegov materijal ne mora biti biološka porijekla.
Priroda nema granica, mi smo jedan prirode narod. Dok to ne shvatimo, bit će neprirodna stanja rata.
Ljudska glupost izuzetno je pametna u opravdanju svog postojanja.
Ponekad me nepoznati toliko dobro "poznaju" da mi dođe da ih pitam datum svoje smrti.
Da u našim životima nismo svako toliko okruženi i ljudskim govnima, nebismo bili svijesni vlastita mirisa.
Mir se ne rađa nakon borbe, on se rađa u borbi protiv borbe.
Zločinac nije samo onaj koji zločin čini, već i onaj koji zločin opravdava.
Hrabrost nije zakoračiti u tminu, nego u tamu gdje zaslijepljeni vrludaju unijeti svjetlost.
Glup samo blebeće, pametan pametno zbori, mudar mudro odgovara a slobodan promatra s osmjehom njihov ego.
Istina može biti maćeha uvjerenja, otac znanja ili dijete slobode.
Sloboda je kada si ti sam režiser vlastita života, filma. Još veća sloboda je u odabiru žanra.
Veličina čovjeka ne očituje se njegovim bogatstvom već dubinom poimanja života.
Samo je prvi korak težak, nakon njega naučiš trčati samo da ne padneš.
Vjerovati u nešto jednako je neznanju. U zrak ne vjeruješ, već znaš da ga udišeš.
Prava istina ima uvijek ne prišivenu sjenu slobode Petar Pana.
Bolest je ponekad ime škole koju duša pohađa da nauči lekciju života.
Sve što živi na ovom našem svjetu, umire. Zato je ovaj naš trenutak života nevjerojatan dar a svaki njegov dan rođendan.
Ako želiš naučiti plivati, ti radije ući roniti te češ tako i proplivati.
Čovjek je poput skulpture, što je više klesan i brušen od života, to je ljepši.
Ostati svoj u svijetu drugih jednako je preživljavanju najačih.
Klik je spoj hormona, mjesta i vremena. Ljubav je nešto drugo.
Zašto je pozdrav zdravo nestao? Nije mogao opstati u nezdravoj sredini.
Danas je taj dan, dan prva udaha i nova uzdaha. Svaki dan diši, kao danas.
Ljubav je slatki otrov duše, a njen protuotrov je još veća ljubav.
Ljubav je poput vatre, što više staviš u nju to ona jače gori. Ako je jaka vatra, čak i ako je zadesi nevrijeme ona će i dalje nastaviti gorjeti.
Vrh je samo suncem obasjan odraz ogromna gorja ispod njega.
Da zavrijedimo naziv čovjek, u svakom trenutku postojanja trebamo dati maksimum ljudskosti.
Zaljubljivanje je ponekad samo inkubacija bolesti zvane patnja, a ponekad njena jedina vakcina.
Zlo se pobjeđuje božanskom ljubavlju ili duplim zlim, nažalost nismo bogovi.
Tvoja istina nesmije biti sažeti referat onoga što drugi govore, ona mora biti doktorat tvojeg srca.
Slabić uvijek nađe 1000 izgovora da nešto ne napravi, heroj samo jedan da napravi.
Samo tko je dovoljno lud da poljubi smrt, on može zagrliti i život.
Na kraju ostati će samo šapat ove pustolovine koju zovemo život, zato napravi je glasnom.
Tuga se može isklesati samo oštricom emocija.
Ako prihvatiš sebe, prihvatićeš i sudbinu. Prihvaćanjem sudbine prihvačaš i život. Prihvaćanjem života prihvatit ćeš smrt te živjeti viječno.
Ego je moć, nemati kontrolu nad njim moćna je ludost.
Od svih vrsta, jedino mi ljudi pjlujemo na svoju genijalnost glupošću.
Što prije umreš bit ćeš dulje mrtav, što prije počneš živjeti biti ćeš dulje živ.
Život je samo kratki ples prokreacije u vječnom ritmu glazbe kozmosa.